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Have You Ever?


Just a simple easy game to hopefully get us to know each other a little better. Ask the person below you if they've done anything. The next user replies by answering the question, and posing a new question for the next user to answer, so on and so forth.


Have you ever eaten a cricket?

No, I haven't. Have you ever spilled something onto your teacher? (True story.)


I'll start it off.

Have you ever screamed at your computer screen while on Happy HG?
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Yes, actually. Fell of a bunk bed and almost broke my neck, thankfully I broke my collarbone instead.

Have you ever worn an entire outfit of someone else's clothing?


Nope. See it everywhere, but I'm never enticed to eat there.

Have you ever roleplayed, be it on Minecraft Creative, or any other platform?


Retired Staff
Nope. Go Murica!

Have you ever gotten broke your computer (tear it into pieces)?
Yup! I do it several times every couple months depending on my income ;)

Have you ever drank a lot of carbonated drinks alongside psychoactive drugs and sat in a chair staring at nothing letting your inner chaos roam free angry at everything and then concentrate all that energy into writing a 4/4 song using mainly 8th-note triplets in F# Melodic Minor?

In case anyone was wondering, its how I made this baby :D
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