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Have You Ever?


Trusted Member
Probably when I was younger, I used to live in like the middle of nowhere.

Have you ever been to a professional sports game? (NFL, MLB, NBA, etc.)


Both! It's a leg workout, but they're both pretty awesome places.

Have you ever bludgeoned anyone with a sock and a stick of butter? If anyone get this reference I love you.


Retired Staff
I kinda get it? The only thing this reminds me of is Sam's Butter Sock from iCarly.
Have you ever spent 8 hours playing MC?
Sadly, yes. Long summer nights lol

Have u ever rode a Unicorn across a Rainbow to get to the pot of gold?


Well-Known Member
Bro where have you been all my life. #weaboos5ever


I have! It's pretty good, though I tend to just eat all the cherries off the top. XP

Have you ever eaten durian?

No, but I have wanted to ever since I was little.

Have you ever been in a wedding?