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Global Teamspeak 3


Active Member
I suggest making a Teamspeak 3 server. Teamspeak would be good for people who want to talk about what they are doing or help each other without the need of Skype.

Note: If there is already a Teamspeak server I couldn't find the IP


Well-Known Member
This idea, as he already put it; has been decided. The staff decided against it, they had more important things than teamspeak. Also, if you really want to talk to people, just get Skype its rather easy.


Retired Staff
As previously said, we had a vote for Plug.DJ or TeamSpeak, Plug.DJ won by a couple votes. I'll try to find the link in a second, but.

In my opinion, I feel like having either or wont really matter as much since most current staff don't have the freetime to moderate either, so getting staff for both functions or either, will be a pain.

tl;dr I feel like we're too 'small' for it. (Even though if we get TeamSpeak it will be more used than Plug.DJ - but, in TeamSpeak there will be more abuse towards players.