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Story Chain


Retired Staff
And at this point Scorp and Shadow did not know what to do, the server players began to rally, they began to (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ left and right...


Well-Known Member
Little did they realize that valley spawn created lots of kangaroo food, henceforth attracting millions of kangaroos from the farm in the middle of the night.


Retired Staff
And was eaten by the wild pet hamstelmo! It was a trap! A spy from General Zainos.

The battle began! With the forces rallying at spawn, let by the grand Pleb Fourzies, they banded together against the few remaining staff. Suddenly, Bach and Kaimoose rushed in and charmed the masses with their awing staffing skills (hint hint, Chris. promote us. jk xD)

Actually, what happened was Bach and Kaimoose rushed in and gave everybody cooked chicken. Everyone was thrilled! Fourzies even got out his PepeCooker3000 for the occasion!

The people were happy, the staff were happy, and the hamstelmo was happy. But, not long after,