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Random Facts


Well-Known Member
Did you know: That French fries aren't actually French? But rather in fact they were discovered by English and American soldiers during the first world war, most likely where they originated, Belgium, but at the time it is likely that the soldiers thought they were, in fact, in France.

Did you know: It is estimated that there are 15 dead people for each 1 living person alive today? That's a lot of dead people.

Did you know: That if you go to 'KFC' close to their closing time, that you will receive EXTRA chicken? This is because they need to get rid of more chicken so more can be made fresh the next day.

Did you know: That scientists have been trying to figure out the mechanics of black holes by MAKING THEM IN LABRATORIES? Okay, well I lied, they aren't making black holes. BUT they are experimenting with dumbholes. A dumbhole is another form of black hole, weaker, symphonic black holes. Normally black holes are so strong that light cannot escape from them, but in the case of a dumbhole, it is sound, not light. They do this by running fluid through tubes at the speed of sound.

Did you know: That "Buddhism' is not a religion? Buddhism is in fact, a philosophy, or a way of life, a way of thinking.

Did you know: That cults are actually derivatives of Christianity ? And all have similar beliefs and customs in some form?

Did you know: That if you were to die by falling into lava, it wouldn't be this slow, painful, and searing death, or rather in fact, a fireworks show. Your body is made up of around 80-90% of water and lava is molten rock, 7x hotter than your oven could EVER get, so on contact, well . . You would explode.

Did you know: That there is a philosophy, called "Last Thursdayism." This philosophy believes that, well everything in the universe was created, well last Thursday! In this being said, it is saying that everything happens practically by chance, like me playing on the server, one day I got up and played my computer, and exactly at that moment, this server popped into existence and my memories just happened to be there. and I don't really want to go into a lot of detail but I hope you get the idea of this.

Hope you enjoyed this :3


Trusted Member
Yup c: I actually did know this xD Sorry.
except for the KFC.
Also don't you explode about 5 feet before you touch the lava? Because the temperature is also hot enough there?