• Note: We are accepting any kind of map. However, we are specifically looking for Jigsaw Levels and Parkour maps. Therefore, your arena may have a higher chance to be accepted if it's for once of those game-modes, as long as it meets our Map Criteria.
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Accepted Library Parkour


New Member

Today I requesting for this parkour map to be submitted.

Information about the Parkour:

Name of Map: Library Parkour
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium
Checkpoints: 5
By: TastyOrange818 & Sampai
Where to find: /p v TastyOrange818

Here are some screenshots


  • 2019-03-16_15.45.10.png
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I took a look at the map. Its a good concept, and we don't have any maps like it currently. Overall, it is well made and the detail is nice. Some places are not immediately obvious where to go, but yet it is not confusing, which is good! However, I really don't like the maze section of the parkour. While the maze has a few books in it, it doesn't have the feel of a library. If anything, it sort of reminds me of jigsaw level 25 which is a library maze. There are already a few parkours with mazes and I think with as short and easy as the other checkpoints in the parkour are, having that room be more parkour than a maze would fit the theme more. Especially given that all of the other rooms are much different than the maze room. Finally, the lighting is quite dark. Some rooms don't have any lighting, others only have a few torches. With as dark as it is, adding some lighting would really help the parkour. Since I see you're going for the abandoned library, I would also suggest using redstone torches instead of regular torches as they have a dimmer light.

I think that this map needs some changes, but is definitely on the right track.


cool to hear. If I change the stuff that I listed is there a bigger chance it being accepted?
It appears the main point of my message may have been a bit misunderstood. What I meant is:

I took a look at the map. Here is a list of what is good: The detail, the theme, the way it is made, the difficulty level. Here is what needs to be changed: The maze room, the lighting.

Once you change those things that need to be changed, I'll consider the map again. Until then, its not quite server ready.


Well-Known Member
I really like this map and I think it would be a great map for parkour. My only suggestion is that I think you should use fewer cobwebs and like Trenly said, fix the lighting. Other than that it's excellent!
Last edited:


New Member
The changes have been made Trenly ;)
Here are the screenshots where you can see the changes.


  • 2019-03-17_14.01.22.png
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  • 2019-03-17_14.02.02.png
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  • 2019-03-17_14.00.39.png
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  • 2019-03-17_14.00.52.png
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  • 2019-03-17_14.01.28.png
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  • 2019-03-17_14.01.06.png
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  • 2019-03-17_14.01.57.png
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  • 2019-03-17_14.01.37.png
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Well-Known Member
I disagree with Trenly about the redstone torches, I think the dim lightning makes it look spooky. It's not a Halloween themed parkour so I suggest using regular torches and using natural light. Or, if you like that look, change the name of the parkour to "abandoned library" etc.


Build Team Leader
Build Team Leader
I disagree with Trenly about the redstone torches, I think the dim lightning makes it look spooky. It's not a Halloween themed parkour so I suggest using regular torches and using natural light. Or, if you like that look, change the name of the parkour to "abandoned library" etc.
Redstone torches have been changed back to normal torches to make it slightly brighter for players (trust me, Web Parkour has enough darkness in it to put players off having no night vision).
The floor was also changed in the new room (that was the maze) so it matched the other rooms more and now we’ll see what happens from there.


After discussing a few things with Sampai in game, and some other minor changes. The map looks great. Congratulations, your map has been accepted