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Kit PvP Kitpvp Update


Well-Known Member
This is not my suggestion this is Phoenix____ 's suggestion, but his computer isn't loading the forums so he asked me to post it

"Ok, the new kit pvp update added SO many more kits...And they're all super expensive And you only get one coin per kill...Which makes it impossible to get any of the new kits..Some of the kits are literally 3000 coins...I can't even get 100 coins in a day So...I was thinking Maybe change it so you get 5-10 coins instead of just 1 Making it slightly easier to get the new kits...And then I was also thinking You should change it so the maps change every hour instead of every half hour, just so you can enjoy the maps more, half an hour isn't even long enough to get a good kill streak."

I know kitpvp was just updated, which I know probably took a lot of work. but I do think there needs to be more coins given, it's not easy to get 3,000 kills, or even 200


Active Member
This is not my suggestion this is Phoenix____ 's suggestion, but his computer isn't loading the forums so he asked me to post it

"Ok, the new kit pvp update added SO many more kits...And they're all super expensive And you only get one coin per kill...Which makes it impossible to get any of the new kits..Some of the kits are literally 3000 coins...I can't even get 100 coins in a day So...I was thinking Maybe change it so you get 5-10 coins instead of just 1 Making it slightly easier to get the new kits...And then I was also thinking You should change it so the maps change every hour instead of every half hour, just so you can enjoy the maps more, half an hour isn't even long enough to get a good kill streak."

I know kitpvp was just updated, which I know probably took a lot of work. but I do think there needs to be more coins given, it's not easy to get 3,000 kills, or even 200
u do know u can just lower the kit price instead of raising the coins per kill...math...


Trusted Member
u do know u can just lower the kit price instead of raising the coins per kill...math...
But some kits are worth 3,000 XD Like time traveler is really OP, we can't lower it.

I agree that we should get 5-10 coins per kill because even when I played for 2 hours, I got 300 coins and a killstreak of 100 on every map, I couldn't afford any good kit.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Guys remember Kits will last forever once purchased now, that's why they are expensive!
Anyway, you can always vote to get voting tokens and spend them in Kit PvP coins or donate for Kit PvP Coins at http://store.happy-hg.com/ ;)