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Kit PvP Jungle Map Revamped


Active Member
Howdy guys, I wanna talk about revamping the Jungle Map on PvP. Before I say anything else though I'd like to say that I'm not a PvP person myself and that this suggestion is solely based on the mechanic problems with the map 'Jungle'.


I have played enough of PvP on the map 'Jungle' to realize this one issue, that being people really only "pvp" at this corner of the map. Sure there is a few battles that go elsewhere in the map, but I think most people could probably agree with me that this corner is the main fight zone.

Now if this isn't an issue we can drop the subject right here. What I suggest should happen is a Revamp of the map that which in turn would centralize the map a little. My idea whenever I think of a PvP map is that a player should feel like he/she can go anywhere in the map for a good fight.

Suppose you made the argument saying But Players Are drawn to the fight (where other players are) There wont ever be players everywhere on the map at once. My answer to that is that shouldn't be an issue. The point here is making the player feel like he can go anywhere on the map to get a good fight.

If you PvP a lot on HHG you've probably noticed on some maps there is always that one side of the platform when you spawn in you jump off. That is because you know already where all the players will be without even looking. And there lies my suggestion, to remove that 'knowing'.

If you see my point, I think this can be also applied to other maps aswell, but i'll leave it up to the Build teams digression as I will not repeat this suggestion. I wont pretend I know the build teams schedule. But I think this is worth looking into.

Thanks for Reading!


Lets take a look at a large open arena such as Airport. Its nice and open, and I think players feel as if they could go anywhere in the map for a good or fair fight. However, most of the pvp takes place near the airplane; this is likely because its whats straight ahead when you walk forward off spawn.

Clay world and Chinese are other great examples. Yes, on these maps the fighting is a bit more spread out, but it is all still in one general location. In clayworld I tend to notice it more on the ring around the central building and on Chinese I notice it mostly near the entrance to where the ying-yang "1v1" area is.

I am not opposed to the suggestion, but I don't see it as necessary. I would really love to hear what the rest of the community thinks


Trusted Member
I agree with Trenly but i play pvp alot and every map has an area where everyone goes but with jungle the lava area and the giant hole is the only place where people pvp mainly because u can easily knock people into the void.. i don't think the map really needs major changes honestly the only thing i would change is the look of the trees


Well-Known Member
Howdy guys, I wanna talk about revamping the Jungle Map on PvP. Before I say anything else though I'd like to say that I'm not a PvP person myself and that this suggestion is solely based on the mechanic problems with the map 'Jungle'.


I have played enough of PvP on the map 'Jungle' to realize this one issue, that being people really only "pvp" at this corner of the map. Sure there is a few battles that go elsewhere in the map, but I think most people could probably agree with me that this corner is the main fight zone.

Now if this isn't an issue we can drop the subject right here. What I suggest should happen is a Revamp of the map that which in turn would centralize the map a little. My idea whenever I think of a PvP map is that a player should feel like he/she can go anywhere in the map for a good fight.

Suppose you made the argument saying But Players Are drawn to the fight (where other players are) There wont ever be players everywhere on the map at once. My answer to that is that shouldn't be an issue. The point here is making the player feel like he can go anywhere on the map to get a good fight.

If you PvP a lot on HHG you've probably noticed on some maps there is always that one side of the platform when you spawn in you jump off. That is because you know already where all the players will be without even looking. And there lies my suggestion, to remove that 'knowing'.

If you see my point, I think this can be also applied to other maps aswell, but i'll leave it up to the Build teams digression as I will not repeat this suggestion. I wont pretend I know the build teams schedule. But I think this is worth looking into.

Thanks for Reading!

They all pvp there because thats the place where all Knockback X kits are OP


Active Member
I agree with Trenly but i play pvp alot and every map has an area where everyone goes but with jungle the lava area and the giant hole is the only place where people pvp mainly because u can easily knock people into the void.. i don't think the map really needs major changes honestly the only thing i would change is the look of the trees

That reminds me, I forgot the map name idk if volcano is the same one i'm thinking of. (thats how little I have recently played pvp). Anyway the tropical map with the glass for water etc seems to have no problem to me. The map is very centralized and there isn't reason I'd change anything about that map.

It really might boil down to where the player is facing when he spawns which is a set direction like what Trenly mentioned above.