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I cant use ores with worldedit


Well-Known Member
I'm making a bridges map to submit to the server, and I want to use worldedit to generate the iron ore, but worldedit says it won't let me use ores. Can somebody please explain why?


Trusted Member
I'm making a bridges map to submit to the server, and I want to use worldedit to generate the iron ore, but worldedit says it won't let me use ores. Can somebody please explain why?
I've heard that World Edit on this server isn't exactly like the World Edit mod, they took away some features to prevent griefing I think. I don't know what exactly cuz I don't have World Edit.. Did you put the right item id?


Are you doing the command right? After you have set your first position and 2nd position, do this command

//replace BlockName 15

Replace BlockName with whatever block is there or if it's just air then just put Air


Well-Known Member
Are you doing the command right? After you have set your first position and 2nd position, do this command

//replace BlockName 15

Replace BlockName with whatever block is there or if it's just air then just put Air
Im sure. It said "You are not allowed to use 'iron ore'."


Well-Known Member
If it says you are not allowed to use that block, it is most likely blocked for a reason.
I'm having trouble guessing what that reason is. I can understand why lava is blocked (greifing), but why ores? It's certainly not griefing. Maybe it's because it causes lag.

There's also something kind of strange, when I place an iron block, then select it with //wand, and do //count iron_ore, it says "Counted: 1". That works perfectly, but it just doesn't let me use /we to place it


Are you able to make a video or take a screenshot of the command you are using and the error it gives you?


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
We DO have some blacklisted blocks which can't be spawned with world edit for security purposes, but it isn't the case of the inoffensive Iron ore :p