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good times


Trusted Member
This is the server history ( that I remember if I missed something plz tell me )

When I first joined the server I was new to minecraft. This server thought me a lot the person who recommended me to this server was argues 2024 but is now timelordassassian he is my best friend. So as I was saying I joined I was new to minecraft but you guys thought me a lot. When I joined the server I think Ray was on zain was on. I think cookie and some interest I forgot :3 . I was shy , didn't know anyone but Ray was nice to me :) we have always been google friends ;) then like 3 months later I donated $12 witch at the time was really good ( is now sponsored ) it was called premium if u got this rank u had a chance of getting mod :) though I didn't get it :( ( yet ) and all of a sudden after the payment went though everyone congratulated me and everyone talked to me! I thought I was so cool! XD then I got my VIP mansion (witch I still have) and I was happy I also had a house in the /warp city witch was cool. And the achievements and stuff. But then all of a sudden the server went down and it said UN known host name :( but the server got back up later with a different ip and spawn, but my house was gone! All my chests in the house. But my mansion was still there :D but I was sad I lost my house but then the server crashed and said unknown host name. And it did this a few times lol I remember when the server was really small and I was the only one on the server! So after these server crashed we finally got Mc.happy-hg.com :) everyone was happy the new spawn was amazing and eventually I got Jr.mod :D so now I've said everything that happened to me :) this server is the best! Your the best Spain and cookie :)


Trusted Member
Sorry for the some bad spelling my kindle is auto correcting and my and Ray are good friends not google friends lol


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
1- The sponsor rank used to be called "platinium" not "Premium" xD
2- We never closed the server, we just changed the IP and for WEEKS we made lot of automated messages saying in the server that THE IP WILL CHANGE AND /WARP CITY WILL BE REMOVED AND WE WOULD CREATE /WARP PLOTWORLD AND TO TAKE ALL YOUR ITEMS TO YOUR PLOT IN /WARP PLOTWORLD. It seems you hadn't cheked the chat! But well, that was LOOOONG LOONG AGO :p