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Fixed 1v1 arenas


Retired Staff
ign: MineJam
I discovered it yesterday at around 1:00am Est standard
So I'm not 100% sure this is a bug but I don't think you would want people to do this. Basically when you 1v1, 2v2 etc with a kit like bm you can get out of the map extremely easily with the provided enderpearls and jump boost.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
How? There are barriers preventing from people with all kind of kits to scape all around all duel arenas! Would you mind showing us an example vid?


Retired Staff
Here ya go. If the quality isn't good wait a minute for it to update.
And just for your information you can do that on all arenas. Jungle, the train station I actually had fun in and arri and I played hide and seek.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
That's not a bug :p It's allowed to get there since the other user with the same kit can still reach you!
But don't worry, in order to avoid further invalid bug reports and confusion, I'll remove that small green area outside the arenas :)


Retired Staff
Like I said I didn't know it didn't seem like something you should be allowed to see because some stuff on the outside of the map is reaaaally ugly but ok sorry for the false bug report