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Fixed Warps- I don't even know.


Well-Known Member
My friend (Livvyy_) made a new island, and I tried warping to it after she set the warp. I ended up on a piece of wood below the Skyblock spawn directly over the void. She tried resetting her warp, no luck. It only happens with the /is w command, not when she does /is h.

... what?
Please help! And thank you in advance!

The command is /is w Livvyy_
If you do this, you will end up there. Be careful when you warp, it is a one-block area and falling will kill you.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Weird, try telling your friend to change the warp location of his island


This has happened with other islands too. No mater where you set the warp, it still takes you there