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Fixed TP??


Well-Known Member
Iv noticed that when im somewhere random iv had builders tp to me. Is this a bug that builders can do /tp? Iv been on a island talking to Indestructibuzz and all of a sudden hes beside me and he always says I found u here but I don't believe it. Builders r allowed to play factions but lettin them /tp is over=powering them. Plz fix if this is a bug


Retired Staff
Mr_Incredibuz said:
Iv noticed that when im somewhere random iv had builders tp to me. Is this a bug that builders can do /tp? Iv been on a island talking to Indestructibuzz and all of a sudden hes beside me and he always says I found u here but I don't believe it. Builders r allowed to play factions but lettin them /tp is over=powering them. Plz fix if this is a bug
Builders do not have the option to tp. But, remember. They have INSTANT teleport commencing, that is probably it!


Well-Known Member
but i never accpeted to his TPA and he never even tpaded to me so WTF HOW THE HECK DID HE GET THERE. ITS HACKS OR ITS A BUG


Well-Known Member
Way to report your friend, and no its not hacks or anything. cpt I already had my home set at rumbles base along time ago plus I knew you were there cus HK_FTW msg'd me saying want to raid Unknown? and then in chat it said you kill him so I did /home rum and Tried to kill u with no gaps and no pots but you ran away and typed /spawn right after combat log : P and Mr_Incredibuz You are always so close to spawn :| thts it 4 u.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Builders have exactly same perks than jr.mod with the addition of their prefix, the access to voxel Sniper (creative Server) and the access to the Unique Build team World (creative server). So in factions they don't have access to /tp. If u see a builder, as well as anyone doing /tp or /tphere report him at Player reports section as it might be hacking. HOWEVER, CHECK BEFORE THAT U DIDN'T SEND HIM A /TPA OR /TPAHERE REQUEST BECAUSE THAT'S ALLOWED!!