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Creative More plot commands



Maybe add more commands on a creative plot such as /p owner set /p ruler/p generate
Owners mean they can rule the plot in a smaller way and add people to the plot. Ruler is for the person to be able to trust anyone with permission from the main owner of the plot. All commands need permission from the owner with /p permission accept and to and is /p permission request and /p generate is to generate trees etc. /p generate trees etc. all commands need the name of ruler,owner and generate needs the name of what to generate.


/p generate trees is basically the worldedit function of /tree. Also, you could just use saplings and bonemeal.
/p owner set is a silly idea to me. So many people complain about being greifed, and this would only increase that. You should only add people you trust, and the people that a plot co-owner would add may not be people the plot owner trusts. Then the plot owner gets mad since their plot was greifed. Its just not a good idea. Same with /p ruler.


Well-Known Member
I can already guess people want the whole /p Owner thing for roleplay. Honestly If the owner is not there to add a person then that person should not be added. Suggestions like these are always shot down because it would just increase the already rather large amount of griefing in our server. Also why the generate command? like Trenly said just use bonemeal. Generating trees would most likely put them in odd positions that you didn't want


but u have to ask permission from the rightful owner to do anything


so to put down water u have to ask permission same with lava