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Global Making Punishments More... Punishment-y?


Trusted Member
It just isn't enough
Spammers get muted for 24 hours
Then they come back on and spam again
Hackers get banned for 2 weeks
They come back and hack again
People who swear get muted for 24 hours
Then come back and swear again.
and so on...
I'm suggesting, that instead of mutes, bans, and that they compile on eachother (24 hour ban for swear/spam, then 48, then 1 week, then 2 weeks, then a month, and max out at a month)
(2 week for first hack, 1 month for next, 2 months for next, and then 4 months, then finally half a year to max it out)


Retired Staff
I'm sorry, but decisions like this are made by the entire staff team.

We recently increased the mutes and bans, we are in the process of getting more staff to enforce our rules a lot better.

Some staff just forget to increase the duration for some mutes and bans as it takes a lot of time to check, hopefully we can have a way in the future to know automatically, but oh well.

We will try our best to make the duration exact, no mistakes.