• Note: We are accepting any kind of map. However, we are specifically looking for Jigsaw Levels and Parkour maps. Therefore, your arena may have a higher chance to be accepted if it's for once of those game-modes, as long as it meets our Map Criteria.
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Skywars Coral

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seems like the islands could be made better. they look like they werent made very well, and the lapis looks odd


Retired Staff
I was thinking instead of just seaweed, add some coral to it maybe use pink wool or something that is vibrant for sea life ya know. Also the middle island could be more bulky.


Retired HHG Build Team Leader
Tbh this map seems a bit lazy.
The islands look really poorly made. Lapis is a reasonably bad texture by itself but looks worse with sand and light blue wool.
There is minimal detail, and not much battle ground (the islands are all pretty small and most of the map is air)
All in all, I prefer maps that are circular, rather then a square shape like this. But that's just my personal preference.
Sorry, but your map has been declined.


Active Member
Sorry drpoolerfish but I agree it is a bit lazy and you could of put some more effort. It looks to plain and repettitive. The middle needs to be bigger and yeah, the lapis is just weird tbh lapis doesn't go well with anything. This a good map idea, though, seeing some of your other builds you could make this a lot better. Try changing the seaweed colour on some of the other islands and maybe adding another piece of seaweed in the centre. You never know, you could add Nemo and Dori!
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