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Survival Games Auto Vote


Trusted Member
So some may have noticed that when you vote for a map in Hitman, it votes the number of times depending on you're rank. I think this would be good in SG to


Trusted Member
Sometimes in sg I want to vote for my two favorite maps.. I'm ok with it but I understand how you would want it


Retired Staff
This is already in SG? ;-;
I thought it was as well. I think what he means is that in Hitman you only have to click on the map you want to vote for once and it will add 1/2/3 votes to that map depending on your rank. In sg you have to vote manually every time.

correct me if I'm wrong please


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Yes, Eightzies is correct.

You must manually click 1, 2, or 3 times. This allows you to vote for several maps at once or if you prefer to vote for one, click the name tag three times.
^^^ This is the reason of why we have this system in SG. Since there are way more maps in SG (32 and counting!), we have this feature for undecided players :)