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  1. Kruw

    Off-Topic Game

    Hey there, Wanna play a game? If so, stick around to read this thread! If not, I'll stab a seal, I'll do it, seriously. This is called the "Game" game. (Yes, it's a confusing name). Each player must reply with a game they enjoy to play or just in general, wanted to say. There...
  2. Kruw

    Kit PvP Kit Deletion

    The kit stomper is really overpowered and gives the average player a huge disadvantage. It's always a one shot kill and it's really annoying to be killed by someone using this kit. Really want to see this deleted as if you're a new player, you mind as well avoid jumping down for a while until...
  3. Kruw

    Favorite Youtubers.

    Just thought I'd make a little question thread. Who's everyone's favorite Minecraft YouTuber or favorite YouTuber? Mines has to be Technoblade. -Kruw
  4. Kruw

    Gamemode Dodgeball

    Hello, Thread Info: I see you have stumbled across my game suggestion. Today, (or whenever you're reading this) I would like to share my idea of new game-mode called "Dodge-Ball" or at least something relevant to that name. As much as I doubt it, if there was a similar thread made before like...
  5. Kruw

    Skywars Amount of Chests.

    In my opinion, most of the skywars maps lack a lot of chests. Too often do I end up with no building blocks or no food on a small island where the island are widely spread out. This makes the match a lot more difficult and boring as well. Some maps do have 2 chests, some only have 1. It's a...