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Fixed Sw Block Glitch


Retired Staff
I know i'm not the only one this happens to. When I build out from my island, I often fall due to the block I just placed disappearing from underneath me. I've talked to several people and it happens to a lot of them. Is this 1.8 or just a MC problem in general?


Retired Staff
This is a serious problem in SW it happens most (for me at least) when Ive been building to an island stop to look around then continue building. The block then glitches and well, RAGE.


Retired Staff
It's because the Spigot 1.8 protocol hack build acting with anomaly. Once we fully updated to 1.8 (soon), this bug will be completely fixed :)
In other words, just wait some days til we add 1.8 blocks to server and this bug will be fixed