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Fixed Round ending before there's one man standing


New Member
Sometimes the round ends before every player, but one is dead. This causes the remaining players to have items the next round in the same arena. When the round starts the items disapper from inventory and equiped armour, but items around the players ans items in chests will not reset. This makes it easy for a player with a sword to throw it right before him to pick it up after the round starts and dominating the spawn area.
In Game Name: moneymet
When do you discovered this Bug: Yesterday, 04.06.13
Explain what is the bug and how you repeat it: Usually if the round goes on too long, but I'm not quite sure.
Where is this bug Located / In wich section? IE: Hunger Games, Arena 11


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
This happened just once because the server got a little problem, it wont happen again :)