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Ragings story of happy hg


Active Member
About 2 years ago, I was at school and my friend has a magazine,I sat beside him and he showed me this cool game called mine craft coming for the xbox. I bought the game about 2 weeks later on the xbox. I played for a about a month, I then thought I should buy it on the computer.I bought as soon as I could and went straight to multiplayer. I tried to find out how to play on a server and asked my friends and they were no help. I went to Google And looked up how to play multiplayer. It said you needed an ip to play and then I typed, mine craft servers. I found a pvp server that I played for about a month(that's why I was so good at pvp until my computer stoped and slowly I got it working but it's really laggy so it's hard for me too pvp). I eventually got bored and tried to find a new mine craft server. I then found happy hg. At the time there was 5 people out of 35. I looked around and raydoo found me. He showed me around the server and played spleef with him. He showed me his house and we became good friends. He had to leave so I tried the fun mob arena. I played like 20 times and my highest level was like 40 because I was so good at pvp. I left and I had a crap load of stuff. I went and looked around then I had to go to bed. The next day I went to school and told my good friends mrmanfish and bacrit. They went on with them and gave them a tour kind of like rays and I played spleef, mob arena and hg. We went to survival and built a crappy mineshaft house. My friend mrmanfish wasn't on too much but me and bacrit were on quite a lot. I met zaino and made a nice friend. We played for another month surviving our way getting grieved and rebuilding. We quit minecraft in general for about a month. Bacrit started playing hg again and found a sandstone village and sorounded it with cactus's. He had a b day party and showed me and later I joined and played with him. We would call each other and talk while playing. A while later blackopspro was cussing and making fun of people. I told him to stop being a jerk. He flew over too me in our village(he wasn't a donor so he must've hacked). He called his friends and ray was one of them. I was sad when I saw ray and they killed me and griefed me with like 2 stacks of TNT and blew the whole village. I was heartbroken. I texted bacrit and told him he came on 2 mins later. He was pissed and he bought sponser to get pay back.

Thanx for reading respond for part two :) inspired by wizzard and masterfireheart


Active Member
Part 2

We looked around and found a 2 people and bacrit took his god armor and sword and we went up there to kill. Apparently it was two fac members of Endermen, they were building a obsidian base and sayed they needed fac members and we took the job. Few weeks and we were in a war with a fac I can't remember but blackops pro was the leader. We were briefed again but we rebuilt and named our clan sheep master and we had a base full of sheep so we were selling sheep wool. We were peaceful but blackops pro didn't care and killed all of our sheep and briefed us. Bacrit was upset and later decided he would buy Donator for 100$. He would be able to give his old rank away and I gave him 20$ for it and he gave it too me. We were mad but blackops pro was caught and banned. Bacrit made a clan and me and mrmanfish joined it was called Redcoats. That was an awesome clan. We moved out of that clan and traveled far away and created another clan called Atlantis. Nobody has found it yet:D. Bacrit got mod and ended the clan. I then bought mockingjay and traveled from there. Zaino made a new rank called jr. Mod and I bought it a month and a half after it came out. I met 3 other players who were nice and I made a clan with them and gave them some d tools and armor and we became friends. That leads us to today on thanksgiving, I am trying to get mod and help the server even more. I hope you liked my story and make sure to read master forebears and wizard destroyers. Thanks :) :D :D