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Well-Known Member
In scbb Notch is gettin annoying. What they do is go on the edge of the map and use they tp bloc and lix it on the edge so when they tp to dem they fall staright down. This is so un fair plz fix :(


Active Member
ChrisTheLink said:
Yeah, I noticed myself whilst playing. We'll see if Notch can get nerfed!
I hope so, because if someone falls off then right before they are about to die they teleport you to them and u die so there is really no way to win :evil:


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Notch is fine, there are ways to avoid the teleport-insta-death plus not every player is teleported once the power is used, just the 2 nearby ones.


Well-Known Member
Yes but for example when u have 2 hearts and ur in void, if u click the dirt block 2 pplz will tp to me, but they cant enderpearl beacuse u r so far down :p


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
That's why Its 100 gems :)
Wither Skeleton is also OP and nobody complains because is expensive, 200 gems. Notch is fine


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Because u are a jr.mod and U win gems x5 times than a normal player :p