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  1. iiJam

    2 years on HHG!

    Today marks my 2 year anniversary as a player on Happy! (techionally I joined a couple days before this, but this time two years ago I joined the build team and started giving a damn) That's all :)
  2. iiJam

    My Reaignation (for real this time)

    718 days ago I joined the build team here at Happy Hunger Games, and you might think I'm being over dramatic, but it changed my life in many ways. I've met so many amazing friends because of HHG, and I won't list them all here because there are too many. I'd be here all day. Dispite the toxic...
  3. iiJam

    stori tim

    2day sum1 called me fat
  4. iiJam

    My Minecraft Experience!

    Everyone seems to be doing this, so I thought I might as well tell my story as well. Most of you probably don't care, so don't read if you don't want to. Simple as that. Back in early 2012, my older sister picked up a Minecraft account from one of her friends. (The account name was...
  5. iiJam

    Cringe Wars!

    Cringe: Cringe comedy is a specific genre of comedy, where the intent is to make you uncomfortable rather than make you laugh. What is the cringiest sentence you can put together? : I love My Little Pony so much it makes me want to do the whip!
  6. iiJam

    What is your favourite PVP map?

    Just out of curiosity.
  7. iiJam

    Zainos is illuminati!

    Zainos. Zainos owns Happy Hunger Games. There are 16 letters in Happy Hunger Games. The word 'Zainos' has 6 letters in it. 16 take away 6 = 10. There are 10 letters in Illuminati. Zainos = Illuminati confirmed!
  8. iiJam

    Pokemon Go in HHG

    So you know how Pokemon Go is an amazing game and totally isn't making our society one hundred times more antisocial? Yeah well add it to happy honker games! Because everyone can't get enough of catching these virtual little critters and meeting new people. "Dw Mum they're all nice people...!"...
  9. iiJam

    Best way to get accepted onto the Build-Team!

    The FitnessMeme™ Memer Test is a multimeme aerobic capacity meme, that progressively gets memier as it continues. The 20 meter meme test will begin in 30 memes. Line up at the meme. The running speed starts slowly, but gets memier each minute after you hear this signal. [meme] A single lap...
  10. iiJam

    Get to know the build team!

    Hi Guys! I thought this would be a cool little idea to do because I saw it on other forums and it would be awesome to do it on here! Please only Build-Team members reply. Only comment once on this thread otherwise you're a naughty person <: , here is the format: -My IGN: -Other names that I go...
  11. iiJam


  12. iiJam

    Roast Yourself Challenge (Diss Track)

    So your name is iiJam, and this is Happy Hunger Games! Every single game you loose, all you do is rage! But hang on just a minute. Pause! What did you just say? iiJam actually playing!? Pff! That is just insane. All you do is build all day, coz you've got no life! Misplaced one block in the...
  13. iiJam


    (This is a spoof of a youtube News show DramaAlert. I won't be posting daily, or weekly news, it's just part of the spoof! You can watch their videos here: ) What is up HappyGames Alert Nation!? I'm your host! Killer Jam-star! Let's get right INTO...
  14. iiJam


    I AINT GOING ANYWHERE! Goteeeeeeem! I am NOT resigning! And I am NOT leaving happy hunger games! It was all an April fools prank! And for those of you who heard the story, I am NOT moving to England, and my parents %100 support me building, I show them certain projects I build, and they say I...
  15. iiJam

    Survival Games Waiting Time

    I have a feeling this has been suggested before, but it needs to be readressed. So you know when you join a game, and it's got full players. The timers finally going down fast, and your ready to kill! But once it teleports you to the arena, you need to awkwardly wait on your podium for 60...
  16. iiJam


    if you see some people online called iiRam iiFam iiBam iiLam iiHam or iidamnn Dw, it's not me ;) (they're rio friends)
  17. iiJam


    Loll. Lik wen wil faktons b rilesed. It ben 3 years!!!!!
  18. iiJam


    Misplaced a singular block. Rip parkour spawn...
  19. iiJam

    Fixed Banned!?!
