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YouTube Showcase


Retired Staff
Alright, so this question goes directly to imtotallychris but any other person that may know the answer can reply. I don't know if the rules for YouTube showcase have changed but, can we post videos that are not Minecraft related on the showcase? Can we post minecraft videos that were recorded on other servers? Thanks


Trusted Member
I think so if its following the guideline rules. Know this not a question for me, just like to say xD


Retired Staff
Imtotallychris said, "In this thread you are allowed to showcase any and all of your videos on Youtube. Please keep in mind, all the content posted here should be following our server rules which can be found here."

One of the specific Forums Rules is:
  • Do not advertise other servers outside the domain/aid of Happy Hunger Games.
So you're welcome to showcase any and all of your videos, just not ones advertising other servers.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Imtotallychris said, "In this thread you are allowed to showcase any and all of your videos on Youtube. Please keep in mind, all the content posted here should be following our server rules which can be found here."

One of the specific Forums Rules is:
  • Do not advertise other servers outside the domain/aid of Happy Hunger Games.
So you're welcome to showcase any and all of your videos, just not ones advertising other servers.


Retired Staff
Yeah, because the YouTube showcase rules changed recently, a few days ago it said only on the Happy Hunger Games network, but now I can showcase other videos that are not minecraft :)