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Fixed What is up with the mansions?!?!


Well-Known Member
I noticed this afternoon my VIP World mansion has been tampered with, stuff missing is chests, rooms rolled back, etc. This phenomena has been occurring for the past week now, mysterious damage, random fires with an unknown source, and little holes being found in random areas, since other mansions have had similar issues, I believe it's a bug, or staff abuse. :( I will post photos of the fires.

*NOTE: These mansions have no lit fireplaces! :?


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Trusted Member
I am unable to get on at the moment, I saw some of that happen but it didn't destroy anything, does it I'm not completely sure?


Well-Known Member
The fires are just a danger to the players, they don't burn anything. But the holes are being done by someone in the staff, because no one added to my mansion would damage it. Plus, the roll-backed rooms is VERY suspicious to someone higher in staff, I doubt Zainos would do this because me and him have an understanding. You wouldn't do it because you know better than to betray your oath not to abuse your powers, so it has to be a Co-Owner, or other admin. (Because mods don't have the power to damage someone's mansion, right?! :? )


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Two more


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Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Answer: There is no grief, the thing is that I removed fire protection in FACTIONS SERVER to make raiding factions funner. And It seems that all the mansions that used to have fireplaces, the fire of the fireplace spreaded into the wood and burned all the mansions... Please, If you own a mansion, DO NOT ADD FIREPLACES or FIRE near wood or wool, because you know what will happen so...