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Global [Suggestion] /ad

I'm not sure if this server already has this is or not, if it well I'll tell you what I mean.

When you do /ad a link will pop up in your chat, this link will lead you to an advertisement. Every time you watch an advert you earn a reward in game, not sure what type of rewards but you will earn something (devs can decide).

This command will hugely benefit ths server AND the player as the server is earning $$$ and the players are getting nice rewards for simply watching an advert.

Putting ads on the hhng website will also bring money as many people use this site. Put the ads right at the bottom so it doesn't annoy players (idea from EPICMATT88 )

This has been implemented into many big servers as it helps the server earn money and it's not against the eula

P.s. used my phone to create this, ignore any mistakes
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Trusted Member
I've already made a plugin that does it, I just don't have the ads on a website yet xD

Once I find an ad thing that supports video ads zain could use it ezez, but I'm sure he'd rather make is own ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I've already made a plugin that does it, I just don't have the ads on a website yet xD

Once I find an ad thing that supports video ads zain could use it ezez, but I'm sure he'd rather make is own ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You need to be partnered with a company who will provide you with ads e.g. adbolt