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Parkour Stream parkour v2.0


Well-Known Member
I made a parkour in creative, its called Stream Parkour. It's at my fifth plot.
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Very short
Checkpoints: 0.
Name: Stream Parkour
This is a remake of the previous Stream parkour. I have taken advice into account, making it longer, and more detailed. This is 35 jumps, while Dungeon Parkour 1 is 28 jumps if I counted correctly I also added barriers on the sides to prevent cheating

Note! The video below shows the parkour before i fixed this.
Also, this is a huge pet peave of mine + most of the builders: when there is a log next to water and you can see the block underneath the log, the block underneath should also be a log so it looks like the log keeps going down instead of having visible dirt underneath. You've done this in this map and it stands out heaps for me. I don't like it.


The border made entirely of trees looks weird, and where the cave comes out of the ground I can see the dirt. That dirt is one of my (and Jam's) pet peeves. There are also 3 4-block jumps, 2 3-block-up-1 jumps, and 2 head-hitters. I would think most people would not consider those easy. Also, the first jump going into the cave is a bit difficult. The terrain still isn't that good. It is way too blocky and doesn't look natural. The one slime block jump and the one fence jump really stand out as weird since none of the other jumps are like them. Same goes for the jump with the fences going to the ceiling, it would look much better as logs coming out of the floor like the other cave jumps. I can kind of understand the "log going across the stream" but it too is the only jump like it in the whole parkour. Coming out of the cave, the path is a bit odd also, since you have to go to one side to get on the log, then jump onto the post; Also nearer to the end of the cave, you have to go all the way around the cave exit just to get up. I think that those two jumps particularly were not thought out well. Also, the hole in the mushroom looks odd, and makes the parkour look poorly made. And there are a few jumps that have cobble slabs instead of wood, it would be better if it was all the same.

I still do not like dropping into the ground at the end, it just doesn't work with the theme of the parkour. That's not to mention that you drop into an undecorated rectangle room made entirely of stone and its only 2 blocks high.

Also, in my opinion, it looks way too similar to nature parkour and is still too short for what it is.
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Retired HHG Build Team Leader
Trenly summed it up perfectly. The map seems unprofessional. The dark oak tree line, bland bone meal (not changing out the flowers) - I may have done that on Nature, but that was built over a year ago, and standards and my likings have changed -
The final room has no detail what so ever. The two block high ceiling, stone walls, one torch. It's completely out of place and looks really bad.
I don't need to repeat what Trenly said. I think he noted everything.
Your map has been declined.