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Kit PvP Spectating Mode


Well-Known Member
No.... this could lead to spec blocking arrows and honestly i dont see the point. Mabye in 1v1 to see fights but do we really need it right now? also are you talking about /gamemode 3 spectate? because thats for staff only.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, it would block arrows unless they programmed around that... Unless they do a mob arena-like spectate but, yeah, no point. Not like it's top priority but after all the factions, and stuff like that, then MAYBE it could be done.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
This definitely sounds a good idea. A /spectate command which switches you to spectator mode, only being able to be done while in lobby, sounds like a good idea to let players to spectate the fights if they wish to...


Retired Staff
I don't know if this has already been suggested, but there should be a way to spectate the kitpvp. Maybe (big maybe) even 1v1's.

This definitely sounds a good idea. A /spectate command which switches you to spectator mode, only being able to be done while in lobby, sounds like a good idea to let players to spectate the fights if they wish to...
Yes. Please. Just yes.


Well-Known Member
This definitely sounds a good idea. A /spectate command which switches you to spectator mode, only being able to be done while in lobby, sounds like a good idea to let players to spectate the fights if they wish to...

It could even be used to gather evidence about (hackers if staff aren't on) easier.


Retired Staff
What if there was a spectate mode, and in that mode it would announce in chat so and so are about to 1v1 click here to tp to spectate area. That way you could watch 1v1's go down, grudges matches in front of fans and players could be settled and omg we should add a 1v1 leaderboard in the future XD


Retired Staff
What if there was a spectate mode, and in that mode it would announce in chat so and so are about to 1v1 click here to tp to spectate area. That way you could watch 1v1's go down, grudges matches in front of fans and players could be settled and omg we should add a 1v1 leaderboard in the future XD