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Forums Some Ideas I Think Would Help HHG (NEW IDEAS USUALLY WEEKLY)


Hhg is a very good server with respectful staff good games and other things but that doesn't mean its not missing anything so here are some things i think it needs

Party(Group chat)
If hhg had a party command where you could have multiple people in the party or chat at one time where it's only them i think that would make it so more people would come and people would like this command but it shouldn't be something you need with a rank because people wouldn't like that and the more people we get the more ranks get bought.

Vote Decrease
Some of the things in the vote shop might need a slight decrease like plots in creative should be 75-90 and its not a big need but its something i think would get people voting more often.

For me I LOVE getting achievements it just might encourage players to play more often on games and make the games fill up more.

Console fix
I know this is a hard one and you might already be working on it but people say that they have been getting muted for "Advertising" when they weren't or getting warned for cursing when they didn't i personally have seen this but it might of been me also when your muted I personally think you should still be able to use /friends.

Save Plot On Creative
If you could save your plot on creative it would lower the amount of griefing because if someone saved their plot before adding someone or doing a role play where you would have to add a lot of people and one of them may be a griefer then if the plot got griefed you could just revert it to your save

Shorter Punishment Time/Stop Growing Punishment

On this one its not as much as a problem its mostly a want but if someone got muted by a mod or a helper several times i think it shouldn't grow every time it should just be a period of time each time.

Staff Ban/Kick Or Staff Report :)
If the community does not like a staff member then they should have a chance to do something about it like if they think a staff gave an unfair punishment they can report them or request to have owners or higher staff to do something about it but if a staff gets Banned/Removed from the staff list then they would need a lot of people from 50-200 people to agree with them.

Muted Change/Fix
When your muted you can't do friend commands i think you should be able to but just not be able to do /f bmsg it would make a lot of people a lot happier wouldn't you think.

A day where the community of hhg celebrates the staff for all of their hard work keeping it good and clean and nice from helpers to owners and so everyone can have a good time too
because we all know the staff on hhg can be mean at times but that doesn't mean that they don't love us :)

Holiday Sale
Well the title basically said it all but i think on some of the holidays the shop items could use a sale :)

Thanks for reading this hopefully you take some of my suggestions because i think their good.
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Trusted Member
I think a group chat would be a good idea, b/c when you do /f bmsg it does to all friends instead of just certain friends/people.


Retired Staff
Yeah I'd agree on a party chat.
I'm actually going to make a post about this in a second.


New Member
I think you guys should definitely bring back the good ole' factions survival. It would be fantastic with the HHG community we've got!


Trusted Member
He just joined yesterday guys. He probably didn't know there were even any threads about factions.

To get this back on topic...what would some achievements be?


Retired Staff
The whole concept on the party chat I partly agree on; decreasing the token prices could influence on decreasing votes, since they would need less votes to obtain a certain amount of tokens, especially with the vote multiplier, but at the same time increase votes however that may be for a certain period of time, depending on what is lowered which I highly doubt they would be; some people just don't bother to vote at all. And about the achievements idea.. it's ok, being that yes, it would make certain things more popular in a way, but what about when they have completed every achievement? In my view the whole achievements idea is a complicated one and could potentially take a while to come up with great achievements and long lasting ones, inlcuding for where to put achievements, though a good idea it is in my view. And as Trenly said before, you can make a bug report about getting muted for advertising from the console as a false positive with evidence. :)


The whole concept on the party chat I partly agree on; decreasing the token prices could influence on decreasing votes, since they would need less votes to obtain a certain amount of tokens, especially with the vote multiplier, but at the same time increase votes however that may be for a certain period of time, depending on what is lowered which I highly doubt they would be; some people just don't bother to vote at all. And about the achievements idea.. it's ok, being that yes, it would make certain things more popular in a way, but what about when they have completed every achievement? In my view the whole achievements idea is a complicated one and could potentially take a while to come up with great achievements and long lasting ones, inlcuding for where to put achievements, though a good idea it is in my view. And as Trenly said before, you can make a bug report about getting muted for advertising from the console as a false positive with evidence. :)
Well Smoke I Do Say Some Achievments You Could Do Is Like Do A Certain Amount Of Kills In This Game Or Own This Many Things In That See What I Mean For Example


Achievment 1 Get 1337 Kills XD
Achievment 2 Own Every Class
Achiement Three Win A Flawless Game

See What I Mean