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Creative Should be an only enable arms and no body or legs with /ast option


So I've been making some custom armor stands today with /ast and I noticed something that ticked me off.
When I tried to make a guy fall into lava I couldn't move the legs at all. It gets me mad that all the body parts rotate on an axis. I couldn't move the legs at all and I had to use 2 separate armor stands to make 1 person. Here's an example of 2 armor stands (ignore the guy stabbing him with a sword) http://imgur.com/a/Oyw8W
You see how in that image that guy didn't have arms? Well, I had to use an armor stand to hold the head and the body, and an armor stand to hold the pants and the boots. I couldn't give the guy actual arms, which got me mad. Because I'd have to make him visible and then enable arms, which resulted with his legs showing, as seen in this picture. http://imgur.com/a/R3o4t So I would really be happy with an option to only make arms visible, and armor of course. Please make it an option, thank you for your time reading!