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Shipping Game! ;3


Active Member
So, The Shipping game is combing two ign's together, and then you have to Agree or disagree

Paige: XV_Ida_VX = Ida_0611 and XV_Scorpion_VX

Snowyyy_: I Disagree
JustAnotherIda = JustAnotherAlex and Ida_0611

If you have any questions pm me ;3 btw Snowyyy_ gave me the idea for this so ;3


Trusted Member
Zain + os = Bigg Pappies Zainos


The FitnessMeme™ Memer Test is a multimeme aerobic capacity meme, that progressively gets memier as it continues. The 20 meter meme test will begin in 30 memes. Line up at the meme. The running speed starts slowly, but gets memier each minute after you hear this signal. [meme] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [dank] Remember to run in a meme line, and meme as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a meme before the sound, your meme is over. The meme will begin on the word meme. On your mark, get ready, Meeeme ;)
+ Tea = T3A