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Kit PvP Selling kits


Well-Known Member
You should be able to sell your kits for coins in kit pvp. But not so people can buy them and sell them whenever they want, you can make it give a refund percentage, like 75% of the original price given back, so people wont just buy and sell to get new kits whenever they want with tons of coins.


This had been previously suggested and denied as it would cause an imbalance in the economy of the server


Well-Known Member
How would it imbalance the economy? If you just get refunded kits for like a certain percent of the original price.


Retired Staff
There's the description for something, testing kits could be abused and it isn't really needed. This won't get added

"Sell it and get your coins back",
I'm sorry.

This has been suggested before, and if you want to understand a kit, read the description and ask other players who have the kit. Several staff have all pvp kits and can tell you about it and you can evaluate if you want to purchase it. I don't believe being able to buy and sell back kits would be very effective, or really necessary.


Well-Known Member
That would be prevented if you lost a little bit of money by getting a refund. Like you get 75% back, losing 25% of what you paid.


Well-Known Member
I didn't argue and say "ADD IT", I was just saying that people wouldn't just buy and sell it to test. If Zainos says it won't be added, fine, I won't argue with that.


Well-Known Member
Bach! That was my thread and it wasn't a suggestion it was a question, and btw yes it would imbalance the economy a lot because ppl with like 10 kits wanna buy mumba? Sure! Then you have 30 players with BM killing eachother. To not imbalance it the refund would have to be 10% lower for kits over 1000


Here is how it would imbalance the economy:

In one scenario, we could assume that the person has no previously obtained kits. They use warrior and eventually get a low costing kit, on of the 300-500 coin ones. Now that kit is a bit more op, so they can get kills easier. Then they sell that kit to upgrade to an even more op kit such as Black Mamba. Then it would be very easy to get black mamba. Well if everyone had a super op kit, then there are many more coins being put into the banks of the players. Since all the players would have generally the same increase, prices would increase by the same amount. Then people complain that it is too expensive, etc.