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Creative Re-adding Tp In Creative (but Stops Trolling)

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Trusted Member
Basically, if you add essentials, it has an essentials.tp.self permission (or something similar to that) which would only allow them to tp themselves to others, not others to others or others to themselves.

(essentials.tp.* to allow all tp'ing needs)


Trusted Member
Or, they could add a /tp accept / deny

They could even add a plugin that makes you chose if you want to ''play'' tp or not, lets say, there might be a command that you use for NOT ''playing'' tp and another for ''playing'' tp. Like

/tp Anchezz mentow
''Anchezz doesn't use tp''


Retired Staff
I'm sorry, but I disagree. If /tp does get added back It would be 100 times better to add /tpa and /tp toggle. But, if /tp toggle does get added, add /tpo for staff pls.


Active Member
Tpa would probobly be an better solution. Then less trolling would happend and you can accept if someone want to tp to you


Trusted Member
Although all you can do is /tp (username) which tps you to someone, you can't tp someone else to someone else or someone else to you


Well-Known Member
I think we should add back tp and tpa but no tping people. It is a little bit difficult without tp or tpa, if someone is at a plot and they want me to see it let's say, I don't want to keep on doing /p h:[number] [name] It isn't because I am lazy but it is because sometimes it takes too long...


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
I disagree, even though I add it back with /tpa and all that Server resources and RAM waste stuff you ask, people would still be able to cheat and tp non vips to vip plot world and admins world again. Tp won't be added, sorry. Use the new homes system and /plotme home and /plotme tp to warp through the creative server.

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