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Creative Rank World


Active Member
I understand that That people that have ranks can have a limited number of worlds. I'm a peacekeeper. My friend is a peacekeeper. My other friend is a peacekeeper and so on and so forth. Us Peacekeepers only get 6 worlds and Mockingjays can have 20 or something like that. All of the other Ranks in worlds are close together like Tribute gets 4 and Sponsor gets 5 and us peacekeepers get 6. Its no fair to a lot of us. We think we should get 12 or something like that. Because unlike all the other ranks, us and Capitol and Mockinjay are far apart.
I think it would be more fair if we got 12 and something like that.
Thanks for your patience
aka Haylee_The_Baby


Well-Known Member
The reason mocking jay get a lot of plots I think is because they payed a lot of money for mocking jay, like me. I payed 100 dollars for mocking jay so I should get a lot more plots then sponsor or peacekeeper because I payed the most out of those ranks