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Kit PvP [pvp Rank]*name*


Trusted Member
I was thinking that instead of the hhg rank you switch the prefix so it can be your pvp rank and it only shows in kitpvp
for example if I was Private I it would be


Trusted Member
This would be cool, but some of the classes are pretty long, so it would cause spam. Of course they could abbreviate like you said, however.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
This was planned in a beggining but I decided to remove it because it would cause these problems:
1- There would be too much spam in the chat, as there are lot of Kit PvP ranks with long names and with VIP rank prefixes chat would be impossible to read!
2- Loads of questions about ranks would be made, and they would be confused with actual VIP ranks. Example: "ZAINOS HOW DO I GET COMMANDER? DO I NEED TO DONATE FOR IT? I CAN'T FIND THAT RANK IN THE STORE! HELP PL0X!"
3- It's actually not needed, you can view other's rank actually by doing /stats <username> or checking Leader Boards :p