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PvP 1v1 arena


Well-Known Member
I don't really play PvP that much, but I have noticed a lot of people saying that new 1v1 arenas are needed. I am going to try to make one (I'll give it my best shot) to submit, but as I said, I don't play PvP much. What are some of the factors that would make it a good arena and/or help it get accepted? I've been told that it should be around 30 x 30 and have lots of decoration, but is there anything else?
Thanks in advance!


Retired HHG Build Team Leader
What Trenly said.
Make sure that they for the themes as the people maps (Jungle, Chinese or Clay)
And yeah anywhere from around 30-30 to 40-40. But not much bigger or smaller then that.


Well-Known Member
I have barely started one at my 8th plot (for Chinese). Not much to it yet, but if you'd like to check it out and leave advice, that'd be great!


Active Member
Absolutely no water. No places for people to camp/choke-point you. Make the surface pretty circular and flat.

Good luck :p

Also, (this isn't relevant to you) I think they should remove the time limit.
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Well-Known Member
No water at all? I was thinking of making a small river near the edge, like some of the ones in the normal arena, but I can easily remove it.


Well-Known Member
Alright! I can cover most of it with lily pads or something (or just make it near the trees so that you cannot get through to it.)