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Global New staff/player rank


Hacker tracker. It could be shortened to something like HT and could be a rank that staff can depend on to report cheaters. (people like iiDoozie) Idk just a random idea :I (Maybe different players could be assigned to different games like KitPVP and skywars)


Hacker tracker. It could be shortened to something like HT and could be a rank that staff can depend on to report cheaters. (people like iiDoozie) Idk just a random idea :I (Maybe different players could be assigned to different games like KitPVP and skywars)
Bad idea. Just record and report them


Trusted Member
Hackers won't hack if they see a HT is on the gamemode their on. They'll try to hack whenever one isn't on. Hackers won't know what players will report them, and they don't think they will report anyways, making it 'safe' to hack.

But hey, it's not a horrible idea. xD


Trusted Member
Hacker tracker. It could be shortened to something like HT and could be a rank that staff can depend on to report cheaters. (people like iiDoozie) Idk just a random idea :I (Maybe different players could be assigned to different games like KitPVP and skywars)
If I see any hackers then they're dead.
I always record when I play on servers xd though it takes down like 10 fps but it's worth it... :p