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Global [javascript] Bbcode Tag


Trusted Member
e.g. [javascript="TextHere"]alert("You clicked meh :mad: stahp dis");[/javascript]
bbcode syntax: [javascript=%s]%c[/javascript]
html code:
<div onclick="%c">%s</div>
Also you'd need a way to remove window.setInterval so you can't do:
window.setInterval(function() {
alert("Muahahahah teh spam");
}, 100);

Or you could just remove the ";"'s. (Doing that would give you:
window.setInterval(function() {
alert("Muahahahah teh spam")
}, 100)
But if you only do alert("You clicked meh!"); it would remove the ; but the browser *should* recognize it as the normal alert. But if you put commands together it doesn't work (it needs the ";").