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Fixed Horse Glitch


New Member
On skyblock I was riding a horse carefully on my friend's and my island and I rode my horse into our stable on my screen I was clearly in the stable but my friend saw me and my horse walk straight off the island while on my screen I was still in the stable and all of a sudden me and my horse died and then the same thing happened with my friend (xosoftballgirl)


New Member
My in game name is xosoftballgirl
I discovered this bug today, February 5, 2017. The bug is when you ride a horse and you and your horse suddenly lose health and get killed randomly. This repeats when you try to walk into a room with a 3 block tall opening or when you ride around with your horse. This bug is located in skyblock.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
When Mojang made Minecraft 1.9 they changed the riding packets (the way the client interacts when riding entities; AKA horses, boats, minecarts, etc.) so when riding an entity in 1.8 vs. 1.9 the movement is different, producing that if you are playing on a 1.9 or higher Minecraft client in a 1.8 server (HHG as it is now), the client would express the movement differently than the server, so both movements would be asynchronized, causing weird stuff like the events you recently narrated. Therefore, unfortunately, the only way to fix this version incompatibility problem (it's not a bug technically), would be to force update the server to 1.9 or higher, which isn't possible right now as majority of the player base are still using 1.8. Nevertheless, I suggest you to temporarily use Minecraft 1.8 when riding horses or other entities in the server in order to avoid experiencing this problem. Apologies for the inconvenience!