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Hub Hide And Seak-farm

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Well-Known Member
This is a HAS map built by me(jawa7778) legokk and DekuXenox ! Its a big and detailed farm at /p h jawa7778 in VIP world. it is good for: melons, pumpkins, hay blocks, furnaces, cobwebs, AND MORE!!!



Well-Known Member
Personally, from the screenshots, I don't think that there are many places to hide. Maybe if you add a few more buildings? Other than that it seems like a really good idea!


Retired Staff
You say it's detailed but it really isn't.... It's completely flat, only buildings, with absolutely no where to hide and none of the blocks you can choose to hide as are incorporated into the map in ways that you can hide with them :/ it needs a lot of work.


Well-Known Member
You say it's detailed but it really isn't.... It's completely flat, only buildings, with absolutely no where to hide and none of the blocks you can choose to hide as are incorporated into the map in ways that you can hide with them :/ it needs a lot of work.

its fine if you ask me, i don't go CRAZY on detail, no one should. its Hide And Seek, not stop and admire the flowers :p


A hide and seek map needs MANY places to hide. You should have places for all of the following blocks to hide:

  • Planks
  • Leaves
  • Enchant table
  • Melon
  • Bookshelf
  • Hay Bales
  • Cobblestone Wall
  • Redstone Lamp
  • Flowerpot
  • Beacon (optional)
  • Any others that fit with the map you are building
Maps also need terrain. If you don't know how to use WorldEdit to terraform, there are plenty of videos out there. As imtotallycow said, the less flatland you show, the better the map is.

Detail is another key component to a map. Just because nobody will look at the flowers, doesn't mean they shouldn't be there. In the PVP arena and SG, nobody is paying much attention to the flowers, but the map would be dull without them. Add more detail, that can be anything from better exterior decorations, to a few locations. Block choice is part of detail. Grass and Podzol make for a really cool pasture, but just grass is boring.

And when everyone who comments says it needs more detail or more places to hide, perhaps you should reconsider your idea of it being perfect. Because when the community doesn't like it, that usually means that imtotallycow won't like it either. Maps aren't hard to make, but they take time and effort, along with a willingness to change.

Just a few things to think about jawa888


Retired Staff
Trenly, that was fantastic!
You're very right. Detail adds the color to a map.

Especially on hide and seek when player are LOOKING for nooks and crannies to hide in, you want plenty of little spaces, not flat land and buildings.

The map looks good, but I would say it needs more buildings, pathways, stacks of items here and there (maybe crafting table piles, etc) and stuff like that. Look what other HAS maps used for good hiding spaces, and do the same. :)


Trusted Member
Trenly, that was fantastic!
You're very right. Detail adds the color to a map.

Especially on hide and seek when player are LOOKING for nooks and crannies to hide in, you want plenty of little spaces, not flat land and buildings.

The map looks good, but I would say it needs more buildings, pathways, stacks of items here and there (maybe crafting table piles, etc) and stuff like that. Look what other HAS maps used for good hiding spaces, and do the same. :)
Helping with this map was a pain in my opinion. You guys wouldn't let me detail and I did nothing except for World Edit the farms for you guys. No offence, but I don't like it and I'd like it if you took my name out of this :/


Retired Staff
Be cautious with the amount of detail you use. If you put too much it will be nearly impossible for the Hunters to win.

Nonetheless, we aren't in need of HNS (hide and seek) maps at the moment. Thank you for your submission

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