• Note: We are accepting any kind of map. However, we are specifically looking for Jigsaw Levels and Parkour maps. Therefore, your arena may have a higher chance to be accepted if it's for once of those game-modes, as long as it meets our Map Criteria.
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Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Sorry, It isnt good enought to be in the server :(
> You cant put arbitrary form to the arena, IT MUST BE ROUNDED. I reccomend downloading WorldEdit Mod and use //hspehere command to make a big glass sphere around the arena.
> You must put more chests in the arena, there are only few wich ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO OPEN
> Some cornucopia chests, parkour and ship chests are impossible to open.
> You must modify it more, Its very similar as a normal minecraft biome, wich is boring... (Use WorldEdit to help you making structures and buildings)
> The Arena its Small, make it bigger.
> There arent "Spawn Bases" at cornucopia. You must put 24 or 48 (48 if the arena is HUGE, and in your case is very small, so i reccomend you puting 24)
I hope you can apply these changes and make an awesome arena :D
Good Luck!


Active Member
ok lol i thought u put the chests and stuff in and the dome thats why i didnt do it lol but yeah ill do that now the parkour will be modified my brother made it so you know -.-fail but i will get on it as soon as possible


Trusted Member
Well so far
i found one chest that you cant open
idk if its not suppoesed to but its the one with parkour stone house