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Goodbye, Minecraft! Thanks HHG!


This took 40 minutes to write/review. I would appreciate it if you read it. ._.

Hello. I will not express here who I am, because if you are receiving this, we have been friends in Minecraft for the years that I have played. I am writing this, as a story and, a new chapter, to my relations with Minecraft. Do not consider this a conclusion, in the way that I will still play this game on occasion, and try to see you, my friends. There comes a point in this game’s story in which it starts to feel more like work, than fun. Recently for me, more problems, and issues have come to, and from Minecraft as I have been playing and developing. I feel like this is a good spot to share some of my Minecraft story, and some of the highlights, and tales I remember. I will put specific messages at the end to my specific friends (sorry if you are not on there).


I started playing Minecraft in August, 2011. It was a great summer, and became even better once the game was bought for me from my grandmother. As of now, I can’t think to any extent, how much of a ‘noob’ I was. I spent a week breaking blocks, placing blocks, and crafting sticks. I placed a crafting table lots (after making it), but never really found out how to open it. If any of you are familiar with my first server, Bowl Craft, dead bulldog was the Co-Owner. He was not only the person who introduced me to Minecraft, but to this very day, he has been my best friend since as far back as I can remember. I played lots of DS, and Wii before Minecraft, and was not fond at all of the PC. Minecraft has taken over my brain in computer knowledge, and other computer development languages too. One week after I bought Minecraft, I went over to dead_bulldog’s house, and he taught me what I was struggling with. Surprisingly, after playing with him for two months, and learning, I had already started mastering this game. I loved playing Minecraft now, and I was hooked.
Then, I discovered multiplayer. The first Minecraft server I ever played on was PickleCraft. I doubt it still exists, but I just wanted to reference it. It was a good welcome to playing with other players, but I hated it. I was good at the game, but had never experienced Player-Versus-Player (PVP) contact before! I then discovered SnapCraft, which was a towny based server with PVP disabled. I was in the same faction as one of the Co-Owners of ItsJerryAndHarry, MrDeathWilliam. I do not think he helped run IJAH at the time, but his career shot up. Mine, however, consisted of rough server days, attending drop parties, and lots of chat.


Oh gosh, I am going to make myself cry. Halfway through 2012 was the year I met my Minecraft best friend, Indestructibuzz (Daniel), and the year I met my favourite server, Happy Hunger Games. Daniel was always there for me when I needed a trainer, a PVP team mate, and even a friend. Back then, I did not know I would become an HHG veteran. I cannot say enough how proud I am of HHG’s growth, and hope it continues to grow. I remember when it had a ‘stupid’ number-IP, and was a single server. Great job Zainos. I never got to know you MrAnnoyingCookie. Daniel and I started playing more, and more, and decided we should create a server. I made BowlCraft, and he was the Admin with dead_bulldog. BowlCraft had an average of 3 players on at a time, and had a tacky, WorldEdit-made spawn, and lobby. Even though our server sucked, and we did not know it, it was still fun to run. It brought players joy, and we got great times out of it. 2012 was probably the most important year of playing Minecraft, with the most memories.

Please do not bring me back to 2013. This was the year I moved, and lost contact with all of my friends, except dead_bulldog. Even though this year was so tough for me with making new friends, and losing others, Minecraft was there for me. This was also the year that I discovered Skype. Daniel and I started Skyping one night while we were playing HHG Survival Games, on SG5. I remember this night well. It was the first time we had ever talked to each other, and that night was full of laughter, jokes, and Daniel’s high voice (I love you man). The rest of the year was ALL full of these kinds of night with lots of great times, and fun, on HHG, MCSG, and about 21435 versions of BowlCraft (You remember). Andthreethree and B_ballStar2210 got Minecraft that year as well. We also spent lots of fun times, and played lots of fun games together, while talking via Skype.

This was where the fun slowed down. In 2014, I started to take Minecraft seriously, and noticed the inter-workings of Mojang’s code, and started getting interested in computer programming. Over the course of the past months, I have become fluent in 2 languages of code, and am learning one more. I am fluent in Java, and c++, and am learning the .NET framework. I stopped ‘playing’ as much, and all I would do was code, code, and code. I helped develop some major Minecraft multiplayer Bukkit plugins, and over time became fluent in the Bukkit API. I forgot the fun of the game, and it all became technical. I started running AtomicCraft with MAMBO8899, and it got very popular, fast, because of our TNT Wars. I had some things happen in my life (family and friends), and things got tough. We then had hosting issues which caused the majority of our server to be deleted in the process of trying to get our files back. I then tried to custom code AtomicCraft 2.0, which then became a problem with staff, and even hosting problems. Lots of people were mad because of the server change, and could not understand that we were unhappy too. My ‘computer life’ slowed down.

As of now, I am starting a new chapter. My Minecraft days were very fun, and enjoyable, and have made lots of friends over the years. I will continue to code, and develop computer software, but probably won’t bother to learn the new Minecraft API. By starting a new chapter, I mean I will not be playing the game, but will still be easily contacted. Email me at jojofurfaro@gmail.com or message me on Skype. Overall, this time has been great, and I love you all for helping me through it. Please don’t forget me, and I will not forget you. There is an end to everything, and mine is here to Minecraft.


Indestuctibuzz: You have put up with me for this long. Thanks for teaching me so much, and for all the good times. Best of luck in life, and in Minecraft. Keep in touch, and stay awesome.
MAMBO8899: You are a great Co-Owner, and work mate. We had fun times, in our short time together, and you have a great positive attitude. I hope we get to meet face to face one day. Good luck.
Zainos: You helped my YouTube grow, and your server has brought me great fun. Thanks for all of the games we have played, and fun we have had.
RiceMater2000: I apologize for the conflicts we may have had in the past, but I would like you to know that I have always known on the inside how mature, and great of a staff member you are.
Mindrapigidot: We suffered some tough times, and had some very fun ones. I hope we can be friends, and stay in touch. Thanks for being kind to me.
Drag0nDem0n: You were my welcome to HHG. Your hospitality, and thoughts to me have been very nice, and I thank you. GG, and good luck on YouTube.
Hotorama3Kron48: Thanks for the donation, and for being so mature. You were the best staff I have had on a server, and were very responsible. I hope MAMBO8899 maintains the server well for you to administrate, and play on. Good luck. I know this does not seem very fair to you.
ChrisTheLink: Thank you so much for being kind to me and reading my reports! You are a great active staff member, and I wish you good luck!
MrAnnoyingCookie: I never got to know you, but you seem cool! Good luck to you, and your server!
Rest of HHG community: Thank you for supporting me and being with me all of these years. Expect to see me around a bit (not lots), but I am sorry I will be so inactive. Have fun playing on this amazing server!
Durske1: Thank you for all the help on Skyblock, and on the server in general. Good luck in Minecraft and have fun!
LilaRok: You may nto know me very well, but you have been a great inspiration to me. Congratulations on all of your promotions, and good luck in the future!
IJAH community: There are SO many of you, I cannot put you all on this page. Thanks for your kindness, and care for me in the time I have played in 2012-2014.

Good luck in the future. For now, fairwell.

Note: This was pasted. Staff, if I posted anything inappropriate for this forum, please edit at your wish!


Retired Staff
Devil_Dylan said:
Bye i'll miss you even though you killed me. :D (sorry if this counts as bringing back old topics)
Bringing back old topics is when the topic hasn't been touched for a minimun 3-4 days.


Trusted Member
In my opion API isn't just for minecraft and it's fairly easy, but what ever. Good luck in life amd stuff. Bye


2003, one thing is not just API. There are API's for many external inputs and outputs while coding. If you have been keeping up with minecraft news, you may know that Microsoft will release the Minecraft API as a result to Bukkit getting sued. API is not a language, so cannot really be declared as 'easy'. It is a Application Programming Interface, and is used for different things. :p


Trusted Member
Joethebowl said:
2003, one thing is not just API. There are API's for many external inputs and outputs while coding. If you have been keeping up with minecraft news, you may know that Microsoft will release the Minecraft API as a result to Bukkit getting sued. API is not a language, so cannot really be declared as 'easy'. It is a Application Programming Interface, and is used for different things. :p
Ohhh i see wut u were saying. Derp moment xD


Active Member
I know we didn't play alot but thanks for the drop party and all the other stuff you did for me while i was on and you were


Thanks for attending my factions drop party of all my stuff! I dropped over a stack of god apples, 6 sets of god armor, 4 god swords, 3 god pickaxes, and gave away my $261k! I hope you guys enjoyed, and bye factions!


New Member
that was really cool to read.
you could seriously hear your voice through that and it honestly made me smile. you don't hear much about peoples past lives on a server or almost anything actually. Despite not even knowing you Im happy for you for learning code. My father works with it and i know its not easy at first. its actually really cool though because i know a lot of people are always looking for people who know how to work with code well.
so yea.
have fun with your life.
Im sure you'll go far even if there are some bumps in the road.
Best wishes and goodbye stranger :D