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Gamemode Gamemode suggestions!

Do you agree with this list?

  • All or most should be added!!

  • I would play alot of them

  • There good but personally i would not play

  • Mabye 1-2 i would play...

  • NOPE

Results are only viewable after voting.


Well-Known Member
Okay so if arcade does get added here is a list of some gamemodes (some listed might be a bit advanced to be in arcade) i think would be awesome to have.
Build Battle (also with teams)
Spleef Pizza/regular/ect
Custom Dropper (built by HHG build team(so its orginal(added to parkour?)))
Capture The Flag ( might mix into snowball fight)
Snowball fight (can have gamemodes like (CTF, controlpoints, TDM, FFA)
X-Run (add an X-Run section to parkour server(or you could have a race to see who could get to the end first)
Color run (you are given a certain color to stand on( the colors not listed will fall and anyone on them will fall to there death( there would be diffrent maps and would not be a flat playing area)))
TNT wars (might be a little chaotic)
Sumotori ( you fight against other people to knock them of( might have team)
Parkour race ( no fighting( just racing to the end to see who is the parkour champ))
Some type of gun game( meh there a few( or we could come up with one))

What is your favorite that you would like to see added?


Well-Known Member
Bow Battle (2 teams. your start on opposite sides. Your goal is to knock all the other team off. Your bow would have punch 2 knockback 1 ifinity 1 (knockback so you could also use it as a melee)


Well-Known Member
Have you got any ideas of how to make this game unique for hhg or are you wanting Zainos to think of them?
im waiting for Zainos to approve of the gamemodes and the ones he approves of i can think of special HHG twists to each of them
but until they get approved theres no point in wasting time when it can be used building


Trusted Member
im waiting for Zainos to approve of the gamemodes and the ones he approves of i can think of special HHG twists to each of them
but until they get approved theres no point in wasting time when it can be used building

If you add in some things that would make it unique for hhg then Zainos would probably like it more as he will have more of an idea for that type of gamemode..