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Forums Donor Tags on Forum Accounts


Active Member
Before we begin, I am only suggesting this because I can't tell who's on the build team, and who is what rank, so it gets a little confusing.
so basically, under each profile, there should be tags marking if he/she is a donor, what rank, and whether or not he/she is a build team/staff member.
What it would look like is something like this:
(Screenshots come from a test forums site I made for myself)
I find this useful as it helps me figure out who is who and what rank they are.
I dunno if this helps, but thanks for reading :p


Active Member
The head builder and staff members all have a tag on the forums :) - But unfortunately not the builders and donators. I do think they should get a tag for recognition and cognizance though!


Retired HHG Build Team Leader
If donators want to be recognised as being a contributor to the server, they can always put it in their signature.
As for builders, I understand you may want to know who's builder, but there isn't really any reason for a forums rank. They have the rank in game, and builders don't necessarily do anything official on the forums. Staff need to be recognised as staff for obvious reasons, and people need to know who the Head-Builder is, to look out for if their map submission was accepted or declined, or to Pm them questions.


Retired Staff
I think that donor tags on forums would be fine, People who support the server (including the builders that are behind the scenes) deserve a little bit of recognition. Zainos and forum moderators could simply have a tag day or tag week and create a thread where people ask for a tag of whatever position/rank they have.