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Creative Co-Owners of Plots

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Active Member
So on creative, you can trust people, which means they are added forever, but having a Co-Owner of a plot is not the same idea.

What can a Co-Owner do?
Simply, a Co-Owner has the ability to:
A~ Add or Remove a player from a plot
B~Deny or Undeny a player from a plot

Reasons to implement Co-Owners for plots!
Before I start, I know what this would take. It would take the coding this idea into the current plot command. I, myself don't know how hard this would be to code in because I don't have any experience with that myself, so I am just going to give some reasons that this would truly benefit the server.

There is no denying how popular roleplays are in the community, and this command would sure help out hosts. Imagine: A fun roleplay is being hosted by a friend. Everyone is putting their roles down and getting excited. Then all of a sudden, the roleplay is closed because there is no way to add more people or manage and keep track of all the people in it due to host needing to exit the plot and/or server. BUT, with a Co-Owner, they could keep it going by adding new people and managing the plot while the host is offline or away from the plot.

Everyone dislikes griefing and sometimes getting griefed can be disastrous. (Lucky for us we have awesome staff to help us with that) But, with a Co-Owner, some griefing can be avoided. Griefers try to earn your trust to get added to your plot, and then when you get offline, boom, griefed. But, with another set of eyes, they may be on when you aren't. And they could deny them and fix the grief or wait for the owner to get back on and help them. It also ties in with roleplays, so read below

Without a Co-Owner-
Roleplay starts, then is suddenly closed. Most roleplays may keep going, and I have been in roleplays many times where someone just starts griefing once the owner leaves.

With a Co-Owner-
Roleplay starts, then is closed because owner leaves. Co-Owner continues the roleplay. He/She sees someone griefing, immediately deny player and closes Roleplay.

Consider please.
As a conclusion, I hope you enjoyed and support my suggestion. If so, spread the idea!
If you didn't like it, maybe say why and leave some suggestions! I will definitely take all of them into consideration and make it better! Any helpers, admins, mods, Zainos etc I hope you take my idea into consideration. As of that, I conclude.



Trusted Member
This has been suggested so many times and well.. The reason why it's not added is simple, people will most likely set anyone as a co-owner and they get grieved..
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