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Jigsaw Checkpoint Selector


Active Member
In Jigsaw there should be a checkpoint selector. What I mean is like the compass on hub and parkour where you can warp to any checkpoint that you have previously set, but obviously not higher ones. This would be good because if we wanted to help friends then we can just warp there and not lose our progress.


Well-Known Member
You can, but you must donate. There's a certain rank that you firdt get it at but I don't know which.


Active Member
Yeah cheez its mockingjay (I think) but that's a level selector I mean checkpoint selector, so you wont need to restart to get to the 3rd checkpoint when you're at he fourth


Retired Staff
I suggested this to Zainos, but it will kill the point of playing in my opinion since you have access to all previous checkpoints there's no point of starting over.