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Kit PvP Burrower buff and Issue


Yay I'm back! Anyways today I've got a few ideas for the kit burrower I don't much interest in fitting it in with the meta so these suggestions are just so the kit isn't heavily underused. Here they are:

All armor (Iron)
Protection Increase to I or II (From 0)

Sword (Diamond)
Sharpness Increase to I (From 0)

Burrower ability- The burrower after right clicking the brick block in the players hotbar will spawn them in a small brick fortress protecting from harm for a short time. However... a black mamba, Link or even a shadow can enter a burrowers fortress if they spam enderpearls enough I have done this before and it's actually pretty simple. So with this being a major weakness the kit has with also being greatly underpowered it is pretty much never used. To change this, here are some ideas for the kit's ability:

Borrowing Ability:
Lasting Time increased to 15 (from 10)

Fortress and player location:
The fortress with the player in it will be teleported to a different area of the map and not right over their head

Enderpearls Issue:
If a player's enderpearl hits the fortress the player will not be teleported to that location.

And that's all I have to cover for the possible buffing of this kit like I always say if you have questions or concerns I might reply and give an explanation or reason
