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BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.9.x Problems


Active Member
Hello :)

BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.9.x has been bugging me forever. This isn't necessarily related to the server individually, but BungeeCord isn't letting me on the server. I've visited the website for BungeeCord many times, but the website is just way too confusing. I've visited other MC forums and they have solutions, but everyone's thread seems to be super puzzling. I asked The HHGN Forums because you guys always seem to have the easiest solutions all the time.

Just checking to see if any of you (Doesn't have to necessarily be a staff member) can help.
(Sorry, I also am not sure of where this thread belongs so, I did questions o_O)

Signing Off (not really),