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Survival Games Achievements

I know there are a few achievements in the Survival Games, but, in my opinion, you could add some more. Here are some of my ideas for achievements:
Sponsor achievements:
1. Sponsor: Sponsor a player ingame.
2. Generous player: Spend 500 coins on gifts for others.
3. The sponsor who actually cares: Buy someone a care package.
4. Love ya man <3 (can't think of a better name): Buy someone a Notch apple.

Hard achievements:
1. Nudist: Win a game without wearing armor.
2. Bruce Lee: Get at least 3 kills and win a game without using a sword, axe, shovel, pickaxe or bow.
3. Master Bomber: Kill 5 players in one game with TNT, or 2 players with one explosive.
4. Murderer: Get 10 kills in a single game.
5. Master archer: Shoot and kill 3 players in a single game, or hit 10 arrows in a row.
6. Samurai: Get 7 kills with a sword.
7. Barbarian: Get 5 kills with an axe.
8. Marvel: Get 3 kills with a shovel in a single game.

Patience achievements:
1. The one who everyone cares about: Open 100 care packages.
2. Serial killer: Kill 200 players.