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New Member
Hi, everyone.
My name is auora. :)
This is gonna be sad, but good for a fellow of you folks.
I am gonna have to leave this server. I didn't want to, previously I just won
2 events of chris's birthday.
It was fun. But, for now i'm gonna say goodbye to my folks.

Rayado - Heh, good o'l ray. You were my first best friend on the server, I was actually a default. But, you still put up with me.
I did some kinds of bad things when I was with you, but it was fun. I remember the good o'l squad me, you, megan, and superps99.
She was also a default at the moment also. So, I really thank you for being my good o'l friend on the server.
It's hard to make friends when you are a default. Thanks, ray.

iZombieMC - I actually don't know how I met you. It's kind of strange actually. You were a good pvper.
You asked me one day if you wanted to skype. I said yes, I also had a great time with ya.
You would let me win SG games, just because I sucked, and yes. You were the best players on the server.

BryanCastilloQ - I used to hack when I first met ya, but you seem to tolerate it.
You used to kid around and say "recorded" which came a thrill with me.
Then I found you in a skype call with iZombieMC. Then you asked me if I
hacked. I left the call. I seemed to bond with you later on at some point.
You were the funniest guy I knew.

S_Q_U_A_R_E - This guy, ahaha. He wasn't the best. But, he took
all of my quotes seriously. He used to be my friend, but then we started
a crude argument. I really, just can't even. He was the guy who banned
me too. I wish, I hadn't left him with my terrible quotes.

Oudey and Hani72 - noobs

swampert - I really didn't know you that much. But you supported me
here and there. It was quite the joy. You never left my side, and supported
me in all ways. I'd miss you.

a_dying_cat - I remember ya, like yesterday. You used to kill me like a default.
It was fun. But then you started to team with me. Which I really APPRECIATED.
I'll miss you too bud.

WaraxeManiac - You sometimes left my side, and admitted the truths. But, you
were still my friend. You were awkward sometimes, but i was okay with it.

Hollybear18 - Bye. :(

grimscall - You called me hacker when I was in a skype call. I hated you
after that. You had enough troll power to do that. I don't really like you now. "amigo"

4IrHe4dxX - We had ups and down's. But we were actually a pretty cool squad.

Bye, happy-hg.
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